What is Hypnosis

Addie   January 8, 2016   Comments Off on What is Hypnosis

What is Hypnosis?

Is it the real “Scary Movie!”

When you think about this question, do images of the old Bella Lugosi movies come to mind where he renders his poor victims into a zombie like state—or do the thoughts of mind control flash through your mind associated with the evil intended conspiracy “planted” in the mind of the Manchurian candidate?  These old Hollywood stereotypes are falsely “imprinted” in some peoples mind and are as real as the fantasies they portray—distortions of reality!

The word Hypnosis is derived from the Greek God of sleep—Hypnos. Yet, hypnosis is not the kind of sleep –like when you go to bed at night.  Hypnosis is an altered state of mind in which you are very relaxed, physically and mentally while remaining aware of everything going on around you.  It sounds like a paradox, but it is highly focused, yet relaxed and alert state of mind.

The truth is that Hypnosis is the natural “inner-state” of your mind that you journey in and out of many times a day.  Have you ever been driving down the highway and reached your exit without fully remembering the drive?  This is actually called “highway hypnosis.” Your conscious mind was involved in perhaps watching the scenery, talking on your cell phone (No texting, I hope!) or involved with a conversation—while your subconscious was actually “driving” the car.  Guess what–your conscious mind was on auto pilot the entire time!

Do you ever daydream, have you been so absorbed in a book, movie or TV show–(try to get the attention of someone who is involved in the championships of any game!)– that you were totally unaware of your surroundings for that time?  If you answered yes to any of these scenarios you have been in a state of “trance.” Also just like in these examples you are always in control—you would immediately respond to any emergency, or “snap out of it” if the phone keeps ringing!   The difference between daydreaming, for example and Hypnosis is—is that Hypnosis (an all Hypnosis is self-hypnosis) is directed with a focus of intention towards a specific state of mind or a goal.  Rather than being “directed” purely by an outside force, or random state of mind, you are the “director” of your mind movie.   So why not make your mind movie more award-winning?

Hypnosis opens a direct path to the subconscious part of the brain.  Through the process of Hypnosis, or self hypnosis, you induce a state of mind/body relaxation in which your brain waves actually change their “frequency” from beta to alpha waves. In this relaxed alpha state the subconscious is much more open to positive suggestion for change, and opens up its grip to “see” and imagine a wider array of options and possibilities to act upon.  Your subconscious mind has an image of you and your world that has been “programmed in”, and becomes your “story.”  Think of your subconscious as a “bio-computer” that stores all these beliefs, attitudes, habits and behaviors. and “acts upon” these programs.

The problem is, is that most people are “unconscious” of the programs they have in place and are stuck in their same old story, some parts work well others do not. According to behavioral research, 77% of what we believe is erroneous, outdated or harmful to us. Programs need to be updated! Because you may have forgotten, just because something is hidden on a minimizer screen on your computer doesn’t mean it’s still not running. I put people in Trance—to get them out of “the trance” of compulsive out of control behaviors, and negative or self- limiting beliefs—and help them to “reprogram” positive self-talk and healthy behavior, to develop a new and healthy story.

The question is, “What’s running you…. Do you need to take control and edit the story of you?

Hypnosis opens the way and gives you access to the subconscious programs that “run you”- programs you might wish to “delete” or change.   For instance, you may want to: stop smoking or lose weight, to have more confidence, to conquer your fear of flying, or to simply learn how to relax and reduce stress and sleep more soundly.  Do you want to tap into your powerful and creative mind?  Do you want to connect with “Source Energy”—(* I believe that Hypnosis is the first cousin of Meditation, and you can easily make a shift to a “meditative state of mind, and let your “Buddha nature” arise to greet you.) Hypnosis then can access the subconscious program and “reprogram” the desired change.

Behavior change (generally, although not always) takes between 21-30 days of conscious reinforcement and sincere commitment to the specific change.  Change also needs to be consciously cultivated. * (Also the time needed for the rewiring of new neural pathways in the brain to think and respond differently)

A growing body of research supports Hypnosis as an effective tool for change and treatment for a variety of issues.  What was considered “hocus-pocus” less than twenty years ago is far more accepted even by esteemed scientists and people in the medical field.
“Hypnosis doesn’t just make you feel better, our research suggests it can actually help your body heal”, says Harvard psychologist Carol Ginandes, Ph.D.  A recent study with patients at the University of Utah Medical School found that Hypnosis speed up their recovery and because of the relaxation effects, less anesthesia was needed.   “Hypnotherapy can help alleviate any chronic physical discomfort from migraines to backaches,” says Dr.David Spiegel, psychiatrist, Stanford University.  According to a study at the University of Connecticut, Hypnosis doubled weight loss success in tandem with behavior modification—and with the Obesity epidemic in this county that is a very important piece of information to know and to take advantage of!  As a weight loss consultant and Hypnotherapist, I help people to “imagine” themselves thin!

The real “Scary Movie”:

So getting back to the Hollywood, TV “scary” stereotype analogy—it is far, far, more “scary” to know that when we are watching TV, our brain waves change their frequency and we are much more suggestible to being Hypnotized by the erroneous messages of what is considered to be meaningful and valuable in our society:  impossible images of beauty, the message that “consuming” more and more stuff whether it be the latest video game, TV, computer, luxury car, label clothing, house, stock or banking with the right bank will make us just like the happy shiny people portrayed on “reality” TV . Our collective consciousness is in a trance—we are “mind controlled” in the most insidious way- for sure! There is pornography of violence and of fear mongering that we can’t seem to get enough of!  “You are what you think…all you are arises from you thoughts and with your thoughts you create your reality.” The Buddha

For a Private Consultation about your specific needs…
Contact Addie Kania at addie@alternativeweigh.com

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