Category Archives: Press Room

Hypnosis can be the answer to many things, especially weight loss and addiction


From The Haverhill Gazette: January 13, 2005 on Seminar Conducted at Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital By Jean Mac-Dougall-Tattan Haverhill Gazette Staff Whenever you have a thought, your body is eavesdropping. If you think something bad is going to happen, the body tenses. If you picture yourself vacationing on a warm tropical beach, the body relaxes. Any thoughts people have trigger a… Read more »

Your eyes get heavy. . . your body gets lighter

Mike - After

From The Lawrence Eagle Tribune: Monday, May 13, 2002 By Rosemary Ford Eagle-Tribune Writer About a year ago, Michael Couture was at the end of his rope when it came to losing weight. He tried everything from Slim Fast to prescription diet pills, always regaining the few pounds he took off. Today, he’s at the end of his belt. The… Read more »